Life for Stephanie was perfect--she had the "adoration" of the fans, her husband who was also an affluent wrestler known as Hunter Hearst-Helmsley, who she adored like no other, except for her feelings for a certain Olympic Champion named Kurt Angle.

Hunter was her perfect match, she fell in love with him out of lust but Kurt had something that reminded her of an ex-boyfriend, Andrew. Sure, her and Hunter had their lovers quarrels but it usually came to an end with a night of love-making, which she treasured. Hunter was one of the sweetest men when it came to loving her, he didn't like to show his emotions for her on-air but off, they were like the perfect couple. A stroll in the park while holding his hand was simple but perfect for them, kissing on a bench was like a serene solitude, and him holding her in his arms after they both climaxed was a slice of heaven. He treated her really well, never tried to raise his voice unless something was upsetting him, which could affect the relationship, so he tries to be as open as possible with her.

Yeah, she liked Angle, he liked her too but he was attached to another, while her feelings aren't as strong about him, she's in love with his qualities.

Seems like Stephanie can't choose between her secret crush and her loving husband, little did she know that she would have to decide VERY soon.

She rolls over to hear Hunter's gentle breathing and she giggles and wraps her arms around him from behind.

She softly whispers, "Baby, can you help me?", she giggles as she thinks of what to tell him to get him to wake up for her.

He hears her call and slowly rolls over to face her, he yawns and strokes her long, brown hair, "Help you with what? Unless it concerns you and I with no clothes, I'm going back to sleep..", he kisses her softly as he jokes.

She playfully slaps him on the chest, "No, but my back hurts...can you rub it for me?", she rolls her neck and grabs her back as he sits up and starts to caress her with his soothing hands.

"Sure baby, anything for you..", he cotinues to rub until his touch begins to become comforting, sending her into a whirl of dreams.

He gently places her back under the sheets onto her pillow as he kisses her good-night on the forehead, going back to sleep himself.

"Good night, cutie", he whispers as he curls up with her under the sheets.

The whole night her head fills with thoughts of Kurt and her being married--she goes to say "I do" at the ceremony but Hunter interrupts and proclaims his love for her. She laughs at Hunter and says the words anyway and her and Kurt are wed--she is now Stephanie Angle-McMahon, the name rings in her head as she wakes up with a jerk.

She yawns softly, "Omg, what is wrong with me? Dreaming about Kurt--why Steph?", she begins to ask herself as Hunter's voice fills the room.

He stands in the bathroom doorway with only his boxers and a blue toothbrush lodged between his cheek and his teeth, he disappears for a quick minute and returns with a grin on his face.

"Hey there, baby", he chuckles as leans in the doorway smiling as she looks over at him, groggily smiling.

She giggles as he walks over to her side of the bed with a big smile on his face, he gives her a quick kiss on the top of her head, ruffling her already sloppy hair.

"Hey, babyface...what time is it?", she giggles as she pulls him down to her mouth for a kiss.

"Time for you to get your ass up for the show", he jokes as he breaks the kiss.

She giggles and rolls out of bed, watching him the whole time, "Speaking of seem to be quite in shape, baby!", she grins and hugs him from behind, leading him back into the bathroom.

He gives her a quick kiss as she starts to get ready for the big day they have scheduled--they were always on time..well, most of the time, that's when they weren't busy with other activites in their home or hotel room.

She snatches off her pajamas and hops into the shower, joking and playing around with Hunter, he grins at her and shakes his head in disbelief as she talks to him over the sound of the rushing water.

"So, how's the hunt for the title going?", in a way, she knew that he was paying attention to her every word--especially since she mentioned the WWF Championship, the most important thing in Hunter's life, eh? Or so he had everyone believe, but every night he confessed sincerely to her that no piece of metal could steal his heart like she did. She didn't know whether to believe him or not--I mean he seemed to be telling the truth, but why keep his love for her a secret? Maybe he was ashamed of her...maybe he loved the belt more than he would ever love her, and just maybe he's using her to get back the belt, she thought about these things everytime he seems to go crazy at the sight of The Rock with the gold around his waist. She knew that at times he wasn't to be trusted--she's learned that in the past with an ex, but he never showed distrust towards her, even though he had his moments.

"It's going well, why do you ask?", hinting a bit of curiosity in his tone, getting a little defensive about the sensitive subject, since he wasn't even pinned but he lost his title.

"No reason, I just wanted to know..", she slowly trails off as he grins and figures she's just acting a little weird this morning--maybe she didn't wake up just yet.

"Can I join you?", he suggests playfully as she giggles and shakes her head, joking with her husband was something she loved to do--it brought a certain atmosphere to their relationship.

"Sorry babe, can't hear you, I guess the water's too loud", she laughs and continues on with her daily morning bathing session as she feels soft hands around her waist.

He softly whispers in her ear, "Can you hear me now?", she nods and grins as he begins to slowly kiss her neck, making sure she can feel his breath against her back, making her shudder.

She shivers a bit from his touch, "Y-yes of course..", she turns around to face him and wraps her arms around his neck, kissing him softly.

He whips off the crisp, white towel covering the lower half of his muscular body and kisses her back as he puts a hand on her waist, "I love you, cupcake..", he picks her up off her feet and pins her gently against the shower tiles.

One loud moan escapes the bathroom as they slide down to the tub and continue to kiss, the trail of steam trickles down the shower door as time elapses.

"Hey Steph!", Kurt calls after Stephanie as she walks the hallways alone, he wanted to know how she was doing, he kinda missed her presence.

"Hi Kurt!", she stops and gives him a hug, not only did he enjoy it, but it looks as if she was looking forward to it as well, she wraps her arms around his well-built back as he gently holds her around the waist.

They both beam and he grins and explains what's up with him for tonight's match, "I just wanted to tell you that I'm going after the WWF Championship tonight, Mick gave me a title shot against Rocky--FINALLY!! Isn't that great news?!", he grabs her hand and practically jumps up and down from excitement.

"Huh? Yeah...Kurt.., that's...great..", she gives a tiny hint of excitement as well, but somewhere deep down, she knows that her husband won't appreciate this bit of news at all, she already makes a decision--she's not going to tell him.

"Well...thanks Stephanie, I really appreciate your support!", he gives her a quick kiss on the cheek as she blushes and giggles at the touch from the "Olympic" lips.

Hunter strolls down the hallway as he thinks to himself, "Where's Steph? Maybe she went to go talk to Foley about a possible title shot for me tonight", he stops at the intersection in the intricate pattern of the halls and takes the path to the right.

He continues to wander as he hears the voice of his wife,